Dermisol Cream

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What is Dermisol Cream?

Dermisol Cream is a topical treatment used on wounds and otitis externa. Wounds can be caused by a number of things and this medicine can be used on horses, cattle, dogs and cats. After an injury or surgery, dead or necrotic tissue can slow the healing process, as can wax and other debris.

Dermisol Cream promotes the healing of wounds by removing these substances that may impair it, to allow the wound to heal effectively.

The medicine can also be used on otitis externa which is an inflammation of the ear canal. Otitis externa has many causes such as  prolonged exposure to water, underlying skin disease, or ear shape. When using Dermisol cream to treat otitis externa, you should use an ear cleaner first.

How does Dermisol Cream work?

The active ingredients in Dermisol Cream are propylene glycol and salicylic acid. Propylene glycol works by absorbing water, while salicylic acid is effective at dissolving dead skin cells. The two active ingredients together work to effectively clear any substances that are slowing the healing process down, to encourage wounds to heal faster.

When treating otitis externa, Dermisol Cream helps to absorb water and minimise the inflammation.

Instructions for Dermisol Cream

When you receive the medication, it’s important to read and understand the dosage instructions. The strength and dose of the medicine will depend on the size of your animal and the exact details of their condition.

The cream should be used externally only and should not be ingested. If you’re using it to treat a wound, spread the cream liberally twice a day. It’s suitable for use on wounds caused by surgery, injury or infection. It’s also advisable to use Dermisol Multicleanse Solution before applying the cream to remove any dirt or leftover cream from the last application. More frequent applications may be necessary and can be used under advisement from your vet.

When treating otitis externa, Dermisol Cream should only be used externally.

Do not use this medicine in conjunction with any other topical treatments as they can admonish its effectiveness. If you’re unsure, consult with your vet.

How to order Dermisol Cream

Dermisol Cream is a prescription medication, which means you will first need a valid prescription from a vet, pharmacist or suitably qualified person. Alternatively, we can issue a prescription for you to purchase this medicine, we will need more information about your horse. You will be prompted to answer some additional questions before check out.

Once our vet reviews and validates your prescription, your order will be dispatched from our pharmacy to you by your chosen delivery method.