Clean Ocular Eye Bath 100ml


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What is Clean Ocular Eye Bath?

Clean Ocular Eye Bath is a liquid-based cleansing solution for cats and dogs. It is primarily used to clean the areas around cats’ and dogs’ eyes, as well as having a soothing effect. It can also be useful in removing dark tear stains in the fur around lighter-coated cats and dogs. 

It is primarily water based, so is a safe product. Other ingredients include chamomilla, recutita, propylene, glycerol, polysorbate 80, sodium citrate, disodium EDTA, sodium chloride, and benzalkonium chloride.

This product may also be used to flush out a cat or dog’s eyelids. If you are unsure of how to do this, then seek advice from your vet.

What are the benefits of using Clean Ocular Eye Bath?

Clean Ocular Eye Bath offers both aesthetic and more practical health-related benefits to the cats and dogs using it. Its primary aesthetic benefit is helping remove unsightly tear stains on fair-coated animals’ faces. White, cream, light brown, blonde, and fawn-coated cats and dogs are particularly susceptible to tear staining, so most likely to benefit from this particular feature of Clean Ocular Eye Bath.

As cats and dogs also have sensitive eyes which can be prone to infection, it is important to keep this part of their body as clean and hygienic as possible. Flushing your cat or dog’s eyes with a solution such as Clean Ocular Eye Bath can support good eye hygiene and help prevent infections.

How to use Clean Ocular Eye Bath

To use Clean Ocular Eye Bath, moisten a small piece of gauze or cotton wool with the solution and use it to gently dab around your cat or dog’s eye, and remove tear stains from their fur in this area. Clean Ocular Eye Bath’s nozzle should always be cleaned after usage to prevent it from receiving any cross contamination. It is very important that you do not directly touch the surface of your cat or dog’s eye with cotton gauze or this product’s bottle. Eyes are very delicate, and this risks causing lasting damage.

How to order Clean Ocular Eye Bath

Simply add this product to your basked and check out as normal. No veterinary prescription is required to purchase Clean Ocular Eye Bath.