What fruits can cats eat?
It’s no secret that cats love food. Few creatures in the animal kingdom are driven by their stomachs quite as much as the humble cat. Cats can even completely up-sticks and move to another home if they are getting a better meal elsewhere.
So how can you ensure that your feline friends do not go looking for a meal ticket somewhere else, and how can you provide them with all of the essential vitamins and minerals they need in order to live a long, healthy life? Unless your cat is a particularly fussy eater, there are many things you can do to boost their diet. One of the things you can try is introducing fruit. It is important to note that when you are looking to change your pet’s diet, you should consult a vet or consultant first to ensure that the food will be suitable, however, there are some guidelines that you can follow so that you know what fruits you can give to your cat. A good rule to follow when looking at the diet of your pet is called the 90/10 rule. This means that 90% of the food your cat eats will be from healthy, balanced cat food, and the other 10% can be from treats. This is where the fruit could come in.
Can cats eat bananas?
Bananas are known to be one of the healthiest fruits available. Full of natural sugars, fibre, potassium, and vitamin C, bananas are great for human diets and are widely recommended to be eaten as part of your five-a-day. But, are they okay for cats to eat?
Thankfully, there are no active substances in a banana that can cause any harm to a feline. In fact, it can even be encouraged that you provide your cat with bananas in order to provide them with the natural vitamins and minerals that they provide. However, it is recommended that you only give your cat small chunks of banana, as too much could potentially cause an upset stomach (Purina, 2024). Bananas are high in sugar and are not recommended to include in your cat's everyday diet. Despite this, you can consider giving small amounts of bananas to your pet as a treat every now and again. Do not be shocked if your cat turns its nose up at the banana though, domestic cats can sometimes be fussy when it comes to taste.
Can cats eat bananas? YES!
Can cats eat strawberries?
Strawberries are packed full of nutrients and vitamins, including vitamin C, that can help humans maintain a healthy balanced diet. They are full of fibre and, mostly, water. The water content of a strawberry is 91% so they are a great way of getting more water into your diet. So, can cats eat strawberries?
Yes, cats can eat strawberries. However, due to their sweet taste, your cat may well turn its nose up again. It is important to remember that cats are carnivores and meat makes up the majority of their diet. Due to this, your cat will obviously prefer the taste of meat and savoury food. If you can get your cat to chow down on a strawberry then they will benefit from the same vitamins and active nutrients as humans, but in the end, a strawberry may not actually be as good for your cat when compared to regular cat treats (Petfinder, 2024).
Can cats eat strawberries? YES!
Can cats eat apples?
Apples are one of the most popular fruits available to buy or grow. Apples contain some of the key vitamins and nutrients that are linked to overall health. Vitamin C, vitamin K and calcium are some of the main nutrients contained in apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away from a human, but can an apple keep your cat out of the vets?
Whilst there are a few factors that can affect your cat's health, eating an apple will not be one of them. Whilst a cat can eat apples, it will not provide the same health benefits as it would for a human. If you are looking to boost your cat's vitamin C or K intake then you can consider giving your pet small chunks of apple, but never a whole one (Animal Trust, 2024). If you do give your cat an apple then you may wish to peel it first as this will make it easier for the cat to eat and digest.
Can cats eat apples? YES!
Can cats eat watermelon?
You guessed it, watermelon is full of… water! As well as this there are loads of vitamins and minerals inside of a watermelon, as well as lots of natural sugar. Watermelon is a treat for humans, it just so happens that it is also good for you! But can watermelon also be a treat for your cat?
Watermelon can be consumed by cats but should be given in small quantities (Purina, 2024). Due to the high amount of natural sugars in the watermelon, you should again only give your cats small amounts and again, your cat could choose not to eat it due to the taste and texture of the fruit. If you are going to give your pet watermelon then you should ensure that all seeds have been removed to reduce the risk of choking.
Can cats eat watermelon? YES!
Can cats eat blueberries?
Blueberries are small and delicious and are perfect for snacking on for humans. Blueberries are full of vitamins and nutrients that make them ideal for throwing in your lunch box, and due to their nutrient content, they are also considered a superfood. Blueberries are also commonly used in baking as an ingredient in many tray bakes, muffins and loaves. Full of fibre and water, will your cat be able to eat blueberries as well?
Yes, your pet cat can eat a blueberry, however, they may not benefit enough from the fruit to make it worth eating (PetMD, 2023). Whilst cats do require a certain level of vitamins and minerals, the majority of their dietary requirements come from protein. Again, referring to the 90/10 rule, the best time to give your cat a blueberry is as a treat. Only give your cats blueberries on the odd occasion, do not make them a regular part of their day-to-day diet.
Can cats eat blueberries? YES!
Can cats eat grapes?
A nice juicy grape can be incredibly refreshing, especially when washed with ice-cold water or kept in the fridge. The high water content of a grape makes it burst in your mouth, making it a quick and easy snack that you can have whatever you want. Grapes are famously toxic for dogs to eat, but is this also the case for cats?
Unfortunately, yes it is (WebMD, 2023). No one really knows the reason why, but the consumption of grapes has been known to lead to kidney failure in felines. This is also the case for raisins, which are dried grapes. You should always be careful about where you store your grapes as one grape consumed by a cat could be toxic enough to lead to death. If your cat has recently eaten a grape, get in touch with a vet or consultant as soon as you can.
Can cats eat grapes? NO!
Dr Rachel Louise Keane BVSc BSc MRCVS of PocketVet believes that you should always consult with a vet before changing your pet’s diet:
“Ultimately, you should always contact your vet before deciding to change your pet's diet. Whilst fruits can have great benefits for humans, the way that a cat’s body works is not the same. A cat will need lots of protein which they will not get from fruit. If you are certain you want to add fruit to your cat’s diet the best way will be to keep quantities small and to only give them the fruit as a treat on the odd occasion.”
“Fruit should only be offered to cats in lieu of other cat treats, and ideally should not account for more than 2% of their dietary intake. This may be beneficial in cats on a “weight-loss” plan but should not be offered to diabetic cats (due to the high sugar content of the fruit), or to cats with sensitive tummies as diarrhoea is likely to be the result.”