Can Dogs Drink Milk?
We know the human health benefits of drinking milk, as it is high in calcium and vitamin D and so helps to keep our bones and teeth strong, but is it safe to give to our dogs? Unsurprisingly this is a question that we get asked frequently, as most dogs find it very tasty! However, is milk actually okay for dogs to consume just because they find it tasty? In this article, we will go in-depth about milk and its relationship with dogs. We will cover points relating to age, lactose intolerance, the different types of milk that dogs could drink, as well as potential health implications that drinking milk could have on dogs.
Key Takeaway
Dogs and Milk:
While dogs may enjoy milk, most are lactose intolerant, making it difficult for them to digest. Small amounts are usually safe as an occasional treat, but large quantities can cause digestive issues like gas, loose stools, and sickness.
Different Types of Milk:
Dogs can safely consume small amounts of certain milk alternatives like oat milk, almond milk, or goat's milk, but avoid giving them cow's milk, soy milk, or any milk with added sugars or fats, which can be harder to digest.
Health Implications:
Milk should only be given as a rare treat and not part of a regular diet. If your dog shows signs of lactose intolerance after drinking milk, switch to a bland diet temporarily and consult a vet if symptoms persist.
Can a puppy drink milk?
When you get a new puppy, it is important to let the puppy wean from its mother. This is due to the concentration of lactose in a dog’s milk, as opposed to the same concentration in cows' milk. Milk from a female dog contains a concentration of 3%, whereas cows' milk contains around 5%. This means it will be difficult for the puppy to digest the cow's milk. For puppies that have been separated from their mothers, they should only be given specially formulated puppy milk that can be properly digested.
Can dogs drink puppy milk replacer?
So does this mean that older dogs can drink this same formula puppy milk? There are no particular benefits of giving your dogs puppy milk replacer, however, if they particularly like the taste and enjoy it as a treat then there is no harm in giving it to them in small quantities.
Can older dogs drink milk?
Milk is safe for dogs in small quantities. As long as your dog does not drink an entire glass or bowl full, chances are you will not notice any negative effects. For older dogs, a tablespoon of milk can actually be beneficial as it provides ageing bones with the calcium they need to remain strong. However, many dogs are actually lactose intolerant, so you should monitor how your dog reacts when they drink milk.
Lactose Intolerance
Can dogs become lactose intolerant?
Dogs can in fact be lactose intolerant, and it is actually much more common in dogs than it is in humans. When dogs are lactose intolerant, they can’t produce their own lactase which means that they struggle to digest all dairy products. If your dog is sick after drinking milk, if they are particularly gassy, or if their stools are loose, this is a sign of lactose intolerance.
Are dogs lactose intolerant?
Not all dogs are lactose intolerant, however, it is a much more common condition in canines than it is in humans. The majority of dogs actually are lactose intolerant and will struggle to digest dairy products. Dogs will often not produce enough lactase, an enzyme that is used to digest lactose, leading to them suffering from lactose intolerance. Signs of lactose intolerance include excessive passing of wind, loose stools, and sickness.
What foods contain lactose?
As the majority of dogs are lactose intolerant you should aim to avoid foods that contain lactose. This includes:
Malted Milk
Lactose can also be found in other products. Some products to check the labels for include:
Salad dressings
Pre-mixed baking mixes
If you do want to give your dog milk because they particularly like the flavour, you should only do so in small quantities. Around a tablespoon or two of milk should be fine.
Different types of Milk
Can dogs drink cows' milk?
Dogs should not drink cow's milk in large quantities due to the majority of them being lactose intolerant. Small quantities can be used as treats as many dogs enjoy the taste of milk.
Can dogs drink tea with milk?
Some dogs may be naughty and can drink tea from mugs left in reachable spaces. You can give your dog small amounts of tea, but due to the amount of milk and caffeine, it is not recommended that they have a whole mug full.
Can dogs drink oat milk?
Oat milk is very safe for dogs as there are no toxic components included in it. Dogs may enjoy the taste of oat milk and it can be used as a treat.
Can dogs drink almond milk?
Almond milk is safe in moderation for dogs, much in the same way as normal milk. Some dogs can be allergic, so you should make sure to check how they react to a small amount.
Can dogs drink cashew milk?
Dogs can consume cashew milk, much in the same way they can consume cashew nuts.
Can dogs drink coconut milk?
Pure, unsweetened coconut milk is healthy for dogs to consume. However, some coconut milk products are sweetened using sugar, and should not be given to dogs.
Can dogs drink goat's milk?
Goat milk is much more digestible than cows’ milk for dogs. There are less complex proteins in goat milk, meaning a dog’s stomach can digest it easier.
Can dogs drink rice milk?
Rice milk is digestible by dogs and can provide dogs with protein, vitamins B1 and D, as well as calcium.
Can dogs drink lactose-free milk?
Due to the fat content of lactose-free milk, it is only recommended that you give your dogs small quantities if you are going to give them any as a treat.
Can dogs drink soy milk?
Dogs can drink soy milk in moderation and in lower quantities. However, some dogs can be allergic to soy milk so you will need to be careful.
Can dogs drink milk in the form of yoghurt?
Yoghurt will also contain lactose, so dogs will struggle to digest it correctly. Dogs can have some low-fat forms of yoghurt, but only as a treat in low quantities.
Can dogs drink milkshakes?
The main ingredients of many milkshakes are both milk and ice cream, both of which contain lactose. This means they should be kept away from dogs as they can cause potential problems.
Can dogs have other dairy products?
Small amounts of dairy products should be okay for dogs to consume, however, if the product contains too much lactose or fat, you should not give your dog an excessive amount.
Health Implications
How much milk can dogs drink?
Very small amounts of milk should be okay for dogs to digest, however, you should never give your dog more than two tablespoons of milk as a treat.
What are the benefits of milk for dogs?
When given as a treat, a small amount of milk will provide your dog with a small amount of protein and calcium. This will not have any major benefits, and should not be considered in your dog's diet.
Can dogs drink milk every day?
When you are giving your dog milk as a treat you should not do so on regular occasions. Instead, use it as a rare treat, perhaps once a week. By giving your dog milk every day you are increasing the risk of your dog suffering from lactose intolerance symptoms.
What to do if your dog drinks milk?
If your dog begins experiencing symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as excess gas, loose stools and sickness then you should try to feed them a bland diet of rice and chicken in order to get their digestive system back working correctly. If this does not sort out symptoms then you should contact a vet.
Can Dogs Drink Milk? Discover What Type And How Much | Pawsome Advice
Can Dogs Drink Milk & is it Good for Them? Dog Health Guide | Dog Owner