February 20, 2023 | Dog

Antifreeze Poisoning In Dogs: A Handy Guide To Help Dog Owners

What is antifreeze?

Antifreeze, or engine coolant, is a coloured liquid that is mixed with water to help regulate your engine during extreme temperatures. As the environmental temperature changes from hot to cold, coolant is pumped through the engine block to maintain an even operating temperature and prevent freezing.

Why is antifreeze useful?

As antifreeze lowers the freezing point of water, it protects the car's radiator from the ill effects of ice formation. When water freezes, it expands, and without antifreeze, the resulting ice formation would damage the radiators potentially cracking them, and causing leaks.

When is antifreeze normally used?

In the Northern hemisphere, antifreeze is used during the colder months of the year when freezing could occur, but as antifreeze is contained in many windscreen washes, it is used all year round.

Is antifreeze dangerous for dogs?

Yes, antifreeze can be extremely dangerous to dogs and some types of antifreeze are more dangerous than others.

Do dogs like antifreeze?

Some types of antifreeze, predominantly those containing ethylene glycol, smell and taste sweet making it irresistible to some dogs. Drinking even a minute amount of antifreeze can be extremely dangerous to a dog and so this nice-tasting poison is very dangerous to them.

How could a dog ingest antifreeze?

Dogs will most usually come into contact with antifreeze after it has been leaking from a car radiator, or been spilt after refilling screen wash. If you notice any liquids in your car, keep your dog away and clean it up straight away. If your dog walks through any such liquids, prevent them from licking their paws and wash the paws in soap and water immediately. If your dog has licked, drank, or been in contact with antifreeze, contact your vet without delay as the sooner treatment is initiated, the better.

How does antifreeze affect a dog's body?

Once antifreeze has entered the body, it is broken down into highly toxic chemicals which bind to calcium in the body forming crystals which deposit and cause damage to many parts of the body including the lungs, brain and kidneys.

Why is antifreeze toxic to dogs?

Ethylene glycol, the primary ingredient in antifreeze, is metabolised in the body into highly poisonous metabolites which lead to severe, acute kidney failure and secondary development of calcium oxalate crystals forming in the kidneys.

How much antifreeze is toxic to dogs?

It only takes a very small amount of antifreeze to cause harm to your dog and even cause death. As little as one tablespoon can be fatal, depending on the dog’s body size. As it is so very toxic to dogs, if you suspect your dog has come into contact with antifreeze, contact your vet immediately.

Is intentional antifreeze poisoning of dogs an issue in the UK?

Unfortunately, there have been cases reported in the UK of dogs being intentionally poisoned with antifreeze. As most poisoned animals do not start to show specific signs of possible antifreeze poisoning until several hours after ingestion, treatment is all too often too late.

What are the symptoms of antifreeze poisoning in dogs? 

Soon after ingesting antifreeze, some dogs may be uncoordinated on their feet as if they are “drunk”, and may dribble and be sick; after around 12 hours, an apparent recovery may take place only for their kidneys to stop functioning 2-3 days later and they may become very tired, may vomit, go off their food, drink excessively  and can develop seizures and ultimately go into a coma.

What should I do if my dog drinks antifreeze?

Contact your veterinary surgery immediately, or if they are closed, their out-of-hours providers. There are two antidotes to ethylene glycol poisoning effective when administered to dogs within the first 8-12 hours of ingestion - hence time is of the essence. If signs of renal failure have set in, treatment is often futile.

Should I speak to a vet if I suspect antifreeze poisoning in my dog?

YES - do not delay! If you believe that your dog has antifreeze poisoning then you should speak to a vet as soon as possible.

How will a vet test for antifreeze poisoning in dogs?

As ethylene glycol is converted in the body into toxic metabolites which cause irreversible kidney damage, blood tests will show the extent of this kidney damage and in addition, a simple urine sample will detect the presence of calcium oxalate crystals which are formed after ingestion of the poison.

How is antifreeze poisoning in dogs treated?

There are only two antidotes for antifreeze poisoning: either fomepizole ( 4-MP) or ethanol and dogs must be treated within 8-12 hours of ingestion. Additionally, if your dog is not unconscious, struggling to breathe or showing signs of serious distress or shock, your vet may also induce vomiting and administer activated charcoal to try and absorb the toxins.

How can antifreeze poisoning in dogs be prevented?

Prevention is the key here as even treated cases may not have a good prognosis. Be sure to keep any antifreeze safely locked away in a garage or shed where your dog does not have access; clear up any spillages immediately and keep a close eye on your car radiator. Avoid puddles of unknown liquids next to cars or where cars have been parked and do not be tempted to add antifreeze to ornamental garden ponds. Try and use antifreeze solutions containing propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol - it is more expensive but it’s safer for pets and wildlife.






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